Sunday, July 3, 2016

Eat your flowers

As I was driving home from work tonight, I was struck by the masses of orange daylilies that are suddenly in bloom. It reminded me of my first introduction to edible flowers, when I was in my 20s.

At that time, the idea of going "back to the earth" and eating natural foods was big.

Helen and Scott Nearing's 1954 classic, "Living the Good Life" had just been re-issued (this four-minute video , "Living the Good Life" by Bullfrog Films offers a inkling of who they were and will give a lot of people who remember the 70s a solid hit of nostalgia) He was a former economics professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, dismissed for his radical politics ; she was a trained concert violinist. During the Depression, they moved to Vermont -- harvesting and preserving their own food, and chopping the wood for heating and cooking.

My friend, Jim, had taken much of this to heart. Despite living in a small town, in central Pennsylvania, rather than in the wilds of Vermont, he grew his own wheat and ground it to make flour; made his own mayonnaise from oil and eggs (we didn't know about salmonella and raw eggs at that time) -- installed a wood stove in his house -- and introduced me to the delights of fried day lilies. Here are his recommendations for this delectable dish:

The egg batter mentioned is just a thin waffle batter with two or three eggs. Throw in whatever appeals. I like orange, cinnamon and maple syrup (in it or on it) or to roll 'em in sugar (either kind) after frying. You can also deep fry 'em which helps retain their shape.

Candied violets, squash blossoms stuffed with cheese, rose petal martinis, and peppery nasturtiums with salad greens are just a few of the culinary possibilities spring and summer flower gardens offer. Many flowers are edible, and dress up a dish like nothing else can, so if you find one on your plate or adorning a piece of cake, don't be afraid to taste it. Sweet,tangy, tart, peppery, and each type of flower has its own distinctive flavor
42 flowers you can eat